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Visit to the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №8

February 24, 2023

Today they were honored to visit the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №8. Doctor Surgeon proctologist, endoscopist, Khm. Meduk (Phd) Introduced a presentation on video capsular endoscopy in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases. We were glad to share our clinical experience with colleagues and are ready for cooperation. After the report, many questions were asked and an interesting discussion took place. Now on the basis of the hospital # 8 it will also be possible to carry out a video capsular endoscopy. Thank you CEO of Khomenko Igor Petrovich and Deputy Director General for Surgical Work Reizin Denis Vladimirovich for such a wonderful opportunity. They are sure that it will be fruitful cooperation and new opportunities in the diagnosis of diseases of the small intestine.